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We are very grateful for the invaluable support of several institutions and individuals in the completion of VIVAAR Venezia. First of all, of course, we would like to thank all the artists who took part in this adventure, who gave their time and energy to support and formulate its content. All of them have enthusiastically explored the hologram technology of volumetric video capture, adapting their work and visual articulations to the limits of what is possible.

We would also like to thank the Universitá IUAV di Venezia and its inspiring Associate Professor and Vice-Rector for International Relations, Angelo Maggi, who has supported the project from the beginning. The same gratitude and appreciation goes to the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, with its director, the renowned art historian and curator, Dr. Riccardo Caldura, and to the two eminent artists, Professor Paolo Fraternali and Professor Stefano Mancini, whose kindness and support have helped us immensely in carrying out the project.

We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to the Centre for Immersive Visual Technology at the University of Tampere in Finland and its director Dr. Atanas Gotchev, as well as to the engineers Jani Käpylä and Ville Pihlajamäki, who went the extra mile for each artist, helping them to realise their work at their excellent Volumetric Video Studio.

The same gratitude and appreciation goes to the team at the Volumetric Video Studio at the University of the Arts London Wimbledon College of Arts, Terence M Quinn, Chris Follows and Grzesiek Sedek, who have helped each artist with brilliance and supported VIVAAR from the beginning with their passion, interest and dedication.

We would also like to acknowledge the work of James George, CEO of Scatter, who developed the Depthkit software, and his Lead Technical Producer Cory Allen, who on several occasions helped us solve urgent issues with patience, energy and kindness.

Our deepest gratitude also goes to the leading software developer Arcturus, and in particular its Head of Partnerships and Marketing, Piotr Uzarowicz, who provided invaluable advice and support from the early stages of VIVAAR’s development.

One of the most important components in the realisation of VIVAAR is the team behind the innovative and visionary company Volograms, who developed the user experience of VIVAAR: Dr. Rafael Pagés, Dr. Jan Ondřej and Dr. Aljosa Smolic. These rigorous professionals with over 20 years of experience and a vision to democratise the hologram medium, which we are fully committed to and believe will become a reality in the near future, support VIVAAR with invaluable advice and knowledge.

Finally, we would like to thank the funding programmes that have supported the artists’ participation and shown their belief in our vision: the Danish Arts Foundation, the Cultural Foundation Finland, the Arts Promotion Centre Finland and the Patronato Arte Contemporanea, Mexico.

We are very grateful to the artists and all our partners for their invaluable support in developing our vision of making contemporary art accessible to everyone, articulating a new form of cultural democracy by combining the latest technology with the human-centred articulations of performance art. An idea that we believe is essential for the development of both art and technology, and for a sustainable society.