Enrique JEŽIK, Argentina/Mexico header image

Enrique Ježik Argentina/Mexico

Born in 1961. Lives in Mexico City.

His work focuses on power, geopolitics, social conflict and war, based on a multidisciplinary practice that includes drawing, sculpture, text, performance and aggressive architectural interventions. His work has been shown in institutions such as Museo Carrillo Gil, Museo de Arte Moderno (Mexico City); Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires); Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin); Reina Sofía Museum (Madrid), Musée des Beaux Arts (Montreal), Art Sonje Center (Seoul), Ludvig Museum (Budapest) and at the Biennials of Mercosur, Sao Paulo, Ljubljana, Shanghai, BienalSur, Lanzarote.